General Donations
SUT gatherings have no formal charge so that no one is excluded by lack of money, however there are costs, so all donations are gratefully accepted with thanks.
PayPal account
You can donate using our PayPal account
Bank Details
You can donate by electronic banking or simply deposit at any Bendigo Bank branch
Bank: Bendigo Bank
Account Name: Spiritual Unity of the Tribes
BSB No: 633-000
Account No: 108540493
Sponsor an Elder
The Elders have indicated that they should speak, sharing their wisdom and knowledge with us. We would like to assist as many Elders as possible with their transportation and accommodation.
Membership of Spiritual Unity of the Tribes Inc Assoc. is available at $33 per person per annum.
Fundraising Auction
Please bring something wonderful to donate to our auction, which will be held on Saturday at the celebration meal. Books, craftwork, jewelry, art, etc. Advance notice is not required for Auction donations, unless it is a major piece which we could advertise in advance.
We will need volunteers for meal preparation and clean up, tending the fire, security, elder assistance, etc. If you are part of a group and wish to volunteer for an entire meal preparation and/or an individual who wishes to help, there will be a sign up sheet at the gathering.