
Magnificent Prints on Canvas

Framed prints

A limited supply of these 2 beautiful framed prints on canvas by Chester Khan,Navajo Elder and renowned artist are now available from S.U.T. for $440 a pair or $250 each
Contact John by completing the contact form

Past Gathering T-shirts

We have some past gathering T-shirts available

Only $10

Wood Wood Front & back Size XXL

Kangaroo Island Front & Back - All Sizes

Fundraiser - "Sacred Soap"

Spiritual Unity has created a special soap containing sacred ash that cleanses the aura as well as the body.

These 200 gram bars are made from pure vegetable oils and are scented with lemon myrtle. The soap also contains sage and calendula for their cleansing values.

$6.50 each, $24.00 for 4. Help us sell a tonne .

Wholesale enquiries welcome.

Contact John by completing the contact form